GSE team in America

Friday, April 07, 2006

First feelings after few days

The time just flies. We have had a busy schedule and full program, but so far everything has been great. The altitude has tired some of us a little bit (including myself) but we are getting used to it. The views are magnificent. We have been to two Rotary meetings, and did our presentation there about Finland and Estonia. People seemed really interested and all comments were positive! Of course we can find reasons for improvements ourselves, but that is how it goes. We also visited Boulder centrum, and National Atmosphere Recearch Center, and today Western Art museum Leaning Trees and local tea factory Cellestial. I go crazy in these museum shops so I've spend few days' budget today.

Now I have to run, host family (wonderful people, really lovely couple) is taking me out for dinner. No question, we are getting fat during this trip!


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